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Start playing Gigantic on Windows 10 and Xbox One today We’re proud to announce Gigantic is available in the Windows Store in open beta for the Windows 10 and Xbox One Game Preview Program in North America and Europe! Gigantic is a free-to-play, third-person MOBA that pits two teams of five against each other in the fight to take down the enemy Guardian. Choose between 16 different heroes, each with their own unique playstyle. Each hero can be built in a variety of ways, allowing them to focus on a different aspect of their arsenal. As you play and learn about a hero, make sure to experiment with the different upgrades to see which one best fits your style. Part of the fun of Gigantic is not only discovering what build suits you, but which will best counter the build [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/start-playing-gigantic-on-windows-10-and-xbox-one-today/