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Inside NGINX Amplify: Insights from Our Engineers This blog post is the fourth in a series about how to monitor NGINX and make the most out of your web delivery infrastructure with NGINX Amplify: Setting Up NGINX Amplify in 10 Minutes Improving Server Configuration with NGINX Amplify Reports Using NGINX Amplify Custom Dashboards and Filters for Better NGINX Monitoring Inside NGINX Amplify: Insights from Our Engineers (this post) The public beta version of NGINX Amplify is now used on thousands of servers. Many sysadmins and DevOps personnel have implemented it in their development, staging, and production environments. Feedback has been very positive, but we are receiving many requests for more examples of how to use it in the real world. We asked ourselves: who knows NGINX and NGINX Amplify the best? Well, it’s definitely our own DevOps professionals. So we interviewed two of our experienced operations [ more... ]

The post Inside NGINX Amplify: Insights from Our Engineers appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/inside-nginx-amplify-insights-from-our-engineers/