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The Dreaded 418 Error: Monitoring HTCPCP Microservices in IoT Deployments The Internet of Things (Iot) is a growing segment of the technology market today. NGINX and NGINX Plus are often at the core of IoT deployments because of their small footprint, high performance, and ease of embedding into various devices. We see NGINX and NGINX Plus installed both on the server side and on the device side very often. IoT installations can use a variety of popular protocols, including HTTP, HTTP/2, MQTT, and CoAP. We’ve covered the use of our products with HTTP protocols in many blog posts, and MQTT use cases in two recent posts: NGINX Plus for the IoT: Load Balancing MQTT NGINX Plus for the IoT: Encrypting and Authenticating MQTT Traffic But NGINX and NGINX Plus are equally suited for special‑purpose protocols such as the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/the-dreaded-418-error-monitoring-htcpcp-microservices-in-iot-deployments/