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thyssenkrupp transforms the delivery of home mobility solutions with Microsoft HoloLens This week, at the Hannover Messe Industries show in Germany, the HoloLens team is participating alongside our Microsoft colleagues, customers, and partners to showcase digital transformation in the manufacturing industry. Digital transformation reimagines people, data, and processes within an organization to accelerate business impact and to create value for customers. Increasingly, that digital reimagination includes deploying HoloLens into core workflows. Microsoft HoloLens is opening up new areas of business, reducing the cost of operations, and arming employees with improved data visualization in the context of their real world. Today, I’m pleased to share with you how our partner, thyssenkrupp, is exemplifying digital transformation through HoloLens-driven process optimization, transforming their home mobility solutions business via the power of data, Microsoft Azure and HoloLens visualization. thyssenkrupp and HoloLens make the design [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/thyssenkrupp-transforms-the-delivery-of-home-mobility-solutions-with-microsoft-hololens/
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