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Windows 10 Tip: Watch 360° videos with the Windows 10 Creators Update With the Creators Update, the Movies & TV app* expands your viewing horizon from 2D video to 360° video. You can explore new immersive 360° video content from partners like GoPro, Baobab Studios, LIFE VR, NextVR, Littlstar and more. Go skydiving with a bombsquad, see a rocket launch from up close, visit Portugal, watch the NBA games from the best seats courtside, or even climb Mount Everest; a few of the many immersive experiences featured in the app. Stay tuned as content refreshes frequently. Want to create your own stories? Windows 10 supports a variety of 360° cameras for capturing your own content, so now you can also watch your personal 360° video creations in the Movies & TV app. Here’s how to get started: Launch the Movies [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/windows-10-tip-watch-360-videos-with-the-windows-10-creators-update/
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