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Calling WinRT Components from a Win32 process via the Desktop Bridge In today’s post, we are covering another step you can take on your journey across the Desktop Bridge: specifically migrating business logic to Windows Runtime Components, aka WinRT Components. Previously, Windows only supported calling OS provided WinRT components from Win32 applications. Any attempt to call user-defined (aka 3rd party) WinRT components would fail because the Win32 application did not have package identity, and thus there was no way to register the component with the system at installation time, nor any way for the system to find the component at runtime. This limitation is solved because Win32 applications on the Desktop Bridge now have identity and are registered with the OS, including any Windows Runtime Components that are part of the package. In the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the [ more... ]

The post Calling WinRT Components from a Win32 process via the Desktop Bridge appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/calling-winrt-components-from-a-win32-process-via-the-desktop-bridge/