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Making the web smoother with independent rendering Independent rendering allows the browser to selectively offload graphics processing to an additional CPU thread, so they can be rendered with minimal impact to the user interface thread and the overall visible performance characteristics page, such as silk-smooth scrolling, responsive interactions, and fluid animations. This technique was pioneered in Internet Explorer 11, and is key to providing a fluid experience. Today, we’re excited to share major improvements to the independent rendering pipeline in Microsoft Edge which will make pages significantly faster in EdgeHTML 16 and the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Independent rendering is transformative to the user experience — but historically there have been a few elements that could disable it entirely when present on a page. <select> control <canvas> element certain <svg> elements Starting with EdgeHTML 16, we’ve enabled independent rendering [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/making-the-web-smoother-with-independent-rendering/