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Time Travel Debugging is now available in WinDbg Preview We are excited to announce that Time Travel Debugging (TTD) features are now available in the latest version of WinDbg Preview. About a month ago, we released WinDbg Preview, which provides great new debugging user experiences. We are now publicly launching a preview version of TTD for the first time and are looking forward to your feedback.  What is TTD? Wouldn’t it be great to go back in time and fix a problem? We can’t help you go back in time to fix poor life choices, but we can help you go back in time to fix code problems. Time Travel Debugging (TTD) is a reverse debugging solution that allows you to record the execution of an app or process, replay it both forwards and backwards and use queries to search through the entire trace. Today’s debuggers typically allow you to start at a specific point in time and only [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/time-travel-debugging-is-now-available-in-windbg-preview/