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Trusted Cyber Physical Systems looks to protect your critical infrastructure from modern threats in the world of IoT This solution seeks to provide end-to-end security that is resilient to today’s cyber-attacks so our industrial customers can operate their critical infrastructures with confidence and with no negative impact to their intellectual property and customer experience. As the Internet of Things gains momentum with millions of devices connected to one another, it has become more challenging to secure these devices and services given their increasing complexity. Over the last few months, we have already witnessed attacks to critical infrastructure around the world from Triton infiltrating the control and safety systems of an oil and gas plant to NotPetya shutting down production at a pharmaceutical factory. We can no longer ‘simply’ connect our devices without building in end-to-end security because the financial toll [ more... ]

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/trusted-cyber-physical-systems-looks-to-protect-your-critical-infrastructure-from-modern-threats-in-the-world-of-iot/