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ETC WordPress 4.8 Beta 1

관리자 2017.05.13 19:00 조회 수 : 199

WordPress 4.8 Beta 1 We’re planning a smaller WP release early next month, bringing in three major enhancements: An improved visual editor experience, with a new TinyMCE that allows you navigate more intuitively in and out of inline elements like links. (Try it out to see, it’s hard to describe.) A revamp of the dashboard news widget to bring in nearby and upcoming events including meetups and WordCamps. Several new media widgets covering images, audio, and video, and an enhancement to the text widget to support visual editing. The first beta of 4.8 is now available for testing. You can use the beta tester plugin (or just run trunk) to try the latest and greatest, and each of these areas could use a ton of testing. Our goals are to make editing posts with links more intuitive, make widgets easier [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/wordpress-4-8-beta-1/