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Smooth as Butter Animations in the Visual Layer with the Windows 10 Creators Update The Windows 10 Creators Update marks the third major release of the Windows UI platform APIs. With each release, an attempt is frequently made to simplify features introduced in prior releases. This encourages Universal Windows Platform (UWP) developers to standardize on these features. The new hide and show implicit animations are an example of this. At the same time, too much standardization can potentially lead to conformity, so with each new release more powerful visual features like the new custom animations are also added, which allow developers who are willing and able to dive into them to customize their user interfaces and stand out from the crowd. This inherent tension between ease of use and the power to customize rewards developers for their efforts while also [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/smooth-as-butter-animations-in-the-visual-layer-with-the-windows-10-creators-update/