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Smooth Interaction and Motion with the Visual Layer in Windows 10 Creators Update The Composition APIs come with a robust animation engine that provides quick and fluid motion running in a separate process from your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. This ensures a consistent 60 frames per second when running your app on an IoT device as well as on a screaming gaming machine. It is, quite simply, fast. This is an essential capability for implementing the Fluent Design System which calls on us to create a sense of cinematic motion in our UWP apps. The Composition APIs also provide something you probably have never had access to before: the ability to create high-performing, low-level manipulation-driven custom animations like the one shown above.  In the same way that we that want our visuals to be fast and smooth, we want [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/smooth-interaction-and-motion-with-the-visual-layer-in-windows-10-creators-update/