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Beautiful apps made possible and easy with Windows.UI If you are into creating sweet UI, then you’re definitely going to want to dig into the new Visual Layer with Windows.UI.Composition. The Windows.UI.Composition namespace allows Universal Windows Platform (UWP) developers to use a new Visual Layer that will get them closer to the metal, graphically speaking, while still using familiar technologies like XAML and C#. By getting closer to the metal, actually down to the system compositor level, developers are able to get great visual performance and custom UI experiences. By working through the XAML layer, developers get the ease of use they have come to expect out of UWP. This is basically a best of both worlds scenario that puts great responsibility in the developer’s hands. And with great responsibility, as we all know, comes great power. Windows.UI.Composition first debuted [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/beautiful-apps-made-possible-and-easy-with-windows-ui/