Halo 5: Forge coming to the Windows Store on September 8 Halo 5: Forge lets map makers, creative visionaries, and Spartans of all kinds build, share, and play new levels, maps, and experiences across Windows 10 and Xbox One. Halo 5: Forge brings the entire Forge level-creation experience from Halo 5: Guardians to Windows 10, with support for mouse and keyboard, higher-resolution displays (including 4k), the ability to host and play custom matches for up to 16 players, and a new content browser that spans platforms. Download new levels from the Forge community created on either Windows 10 or Xbox One. Customize existing maps or create your own from scratch. Halo 5: Forge opens the door to new possibilities in Halo 5: Guardians on Xbox One and beyond. To learn more about today’s announcement and about Anvil’s Legacy content coming [ more... ]
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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/halo-5-forge-coming-to-the-windows-store-on-september-8/