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What’s new in the Windows 10 Creators Update

관리자 2017.04.12 12:00 조회 수 : 303

What’s new in the Windows 10 Creators Update We believe that everyone is a creator at heart and that creativity is an essential human trait. And, no matter who you are, Windows 10 is built to empower the creator in all of us. To show you some of the great new features coming in the Creators Update, we’ve got a special episode of This Week on Windows just for you. New innovations in the Windows 10 Creators Update include 3D in Windows 10, built-in game broadcasting, new tab management features and more in Microsoft Edge, and enhanced security features such as a new Microsoft privacy dashboard. You can get the Creators Update in a few different ways. If you already have a Windows 10 PC and have automatic updates enabled, the update will be delivered to you when it’s ready. [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/whats-new-in-the-windows-10-creators-update/