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A week with Microsoft Edge: Get started with the browser designed for Windows 10 Today, we’re kicking off a series of videos and blog posts to introduce you to the best of Microsoft Edge – the faster, safer browser designed for Windows 10. We’ll be publishing a new video and blog post every day this week to share tips and tricks for making the most out of your browsing experience with Microsoft Edge. First up, we’re introducing you to Microsoft Edge and sharing tips on how to get started. Since the release of Microsoft Edge in 2015, Microsoft Edge has been steadily improving to offer competitive performance, security, and expanded functionality. Just last week, we began to roll out the latest version of Windows 10: the Windows 10 Creators Update. With the Creators Update, we’ve added new features that help [ more... ]

The post A week with Microsoft Edge: Get started with the browser designed for Windows 10 appeared first on 지락문화예술공작단.

원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/a-week-with-microsoft-edge-get-started-with-the-browser-designed-for-windows-10/
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