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COM Server and OLE Document support for the Desktop Bridge The Windows 10 Creators Update adds out-of-process (OOP) COM and OLE support for apps on the Desktop Bridge – a.k.a Packaged COM. Historically, Win32 apps would create COM extensions that other applications could use. For example, Microsoft Excel exposes its Excel.Application object so third-party applications can automate operations in Excel, leveraging its rich object model. But in the initial release of the Desktop Bridge with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, an application cannot expose its COM extension points, as all registry entries are in its private hive and not exposed publicly to the system. Packaged COM provides a mechanism for COM and OLE entries to be declared in the manifest so they can be used by external applications. The underlying system handles the activation of the objects so they can [ more... ]

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원문출처 : https://jirak.net/wp/com-server-and-ole-document-support-for-the-desktop-bridge/
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